Everything you always wanted to know about.. NoWa, E-waste & recycling

Everything you always wanted to know about.. NoWa, E-waste & recycling of course!

Alles wat je altijd al wilde weten over.. NoWa, E-waste & recycling natuurlijk!

First things first.

Did you know that E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the world?

And did you know that the E-waste waste stream is growing three times faster than other waste streams, such as plastic?
We have been collecting information for years and we are happy to share it with you. In this blog we have listed everything. Handy, right? :) 

What is E-waste?

That's good to know before you read on. E-waste is actually the English abbreviation and means Electronic waste.

The numbers don't lie:

Worldwide, about 53 million tons of E-waste is added every year. That's more than seven kilos per person en that mountain grows enormously. We are expected to throw in 2030 74 million tons away. Most of it is landfilled, incinerated or dumped illegally. Only a sixth of the electronic waste recycled.

What about E-waste in the Netherlands?

In the Netherlands, 23.7 kilos of e-waste is released per person per year, which is 3 times as much as the average per world citizen. Of this, 2.7 kilos are exported for reuse. This leaves 21 kilos per person as potential material that can be recycled. If you throw electronics away with the residual waste, it will be incinerated. 

In addition to being harmful and dangerous, valuable resources such as gold in mobile phones are lost. We throw 27 million euros worth of gold in the trash every year!

By recycling E-waste, raw materials are therefore preserved, harmful substances do not end up in the environment and CO2 emissions are avoided. And don't forget the sustainable jewelry we get in return!

What happens if my phone is recycled?

By recycling, valuable raw materials – such as gold and silver – are extracted that can be used again. Did you know that about 1 euro worth of raw materials is hidden in your old mobile phone? So hand in that bite!

How many phones is my bracelet made of? 

It differs per design, of course, but for the No Waste collection it takes an average of eight phone calls for a bracelet.

What happens to my phone(s) when I send them in?

The phone arrives at ICT From Tomorrow. They train young people with a distance to the labor market, who ensure that the handed-in mobile phones get a second life or that they are recycled in a responsible manner. First they safely delete all data from the phone. They do this in accordance with European privacy legislation. Then they check whether they can still repair the phone. Is this not possible? Then the phone will be recycled in a responsible manner.

What can I do if my old phone is still worth quite a bit of money?

If you still have a good working phone that is not that old, it is best to resell it. This way you make someone else happy with it and you earn something from it. At the Chain ReACTION we focus on old and broken telephones that are not worth much anymore. Of course you can also send phones that are still worth something. With the money that is earned, you support ICT Starting Tomorrow. This way they can get even more young people help with a distance to the labor market! 




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