The Week of the Circular Economy: Circular jewelry

De Week van de Circulaire Economie: Circulaire sieraden

Closing the circle, that's what we want to achieve with Nowa's circular jewelry. Nowa stands for No Waste. By reusing the gold and silver from telephones, these old devices no longer consist of waste, but of value. This week is The Week of the Circular Economy. A good time to take a closer look at circularity.

Mobile phone circularity

​​Josette, founder of Nowa, worked for Closing the Loop in 2015. With a focus on mobile phone circularity, she tried to turn the mobile phone into a waste-free product.⁠ At that time, Josette and her friend Joyce came up with the idea of ​​making jewelry from the discarded phones collected by Closing the Loop . Circular jewelry, made from the gold and silver from old telephones. Nova was born.

Why is circularity important?

Circularity assumes that today's products are the raw materials for later: after use, products can be taken apart or recycled and the materials can be used again. Circularity therefore assumes a world without waste. And that is necessary, because the current disposable culture has a huge impact on our planet. Circularity prevents the depletion of raw materials and at the same time limits the negative consequences for the planet. So win-win. Imagine what it would do to the world if every entrepreneur pursued a circular economy!

The Week of the Circular Economy

The Week of the Circular Economy is the annual campaign week for the circular economy. From Monday 7 to Saturday 12 February 2022, entrepreneurs, universities, universities of applied sciences, governments and all kinds of other organizations will open their doors to take other professionals into the circular economy. Good examples are given a platform and pioneers meet each other. Success factors and challenges for circular entrepreneurship are discussed and starters are given tips to get started themselves. 

Check the website for more info: 

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